Crumpets and Bollocks is Taking a Break
I'm so sorry to say this because I'm sure many of you are going to be CRUSHED hearing this news, like stay in bed for 3 days on an all-ice-cream diet watching the worst acting you can find on Netflix kind of crushed, but I'm fucking sick of blogging.
I fucking said it.
I mean blogging sucks. First I don't get paid to do it, but that's because I never wanted to. I get paid to write elsewhere, and it sucks because they have a shit ton of stupid rules and even worse decisions than I could make (yeah it's possible, like Trump voters), so I never wanted to get paid for my blogs. But it's a lot of work for free.
You have to write the posts. Come up with a stupid picture because you people can't fucking be interested in a gotdammed thing without a motherfucking picture of something that gives you feelings. Make sure the key word is used in the title, the paragraphs, the headings... Create headings and subheadings because most of you are skimming through. Use links to reputable sites who uses the same keywords. Check your grammar because God forbid I put a fucking there instead of they're, like the wrong use of an apostrophe can totally discredit you forever on every topic imaginable. Then I have to share it on social media, keeping track of a facebook profile, page, twitter, pinterest and linked in to make sure you people don't miss a post because if I don't post every miserable day, I'm not worthy of the algorithm gods.
Then I have to do branding, marketing, list building, email newsletters, and other shit. And you can't have a blog without selling something, so I have to come up with something to sell that's in a niche, oh I forgot to have a niche. Is dumbfuckery a niche?
I do all this work for what? So you guys can read, love it, and not say a fucking word to me about how you love it. The only people who want to tell me about it online, as a comment or a like, are people arguing, in a blog hop and forced to, or selling me spam. The rest of you come at me offline with how amazing of a writer I am.
But the worst part of blogging... I love people. I really do in a Jesus Christ save humanity sort of way. But I hate dealing with a basic bitch, and guess what my networking as a mom blogger would entail me to keep in GOOD contact with on the regular? These are women who will judge you over the stupidest thing like their hoemones (misspelling intentional) and ostracize you, ridicule you publicly, gossip behind your back in PM's and groups, turn 75 bloggers against you threatening to do the same to them if they don't agree, all because you feel like pumpkin spice is a shitty scent. I mean, I love feminism, but a lot of bitches are petty. Like they make men who ask you for pics of your boobs seem like a much more comfortable place to talk about life.
So I'm done blogging for now. Maybe I'll get back into it later. I'm trying to do my blogging blog, but I'm struggling with that too.
Well I am revamping my site as a writer and graphic artist if you want to see that.
My portfolio on has just been updated.
Or you can view an archive of really shitty writing from Crumpets and Bollocks
I fucking said it.
I mean blogging sucks. First I don't get paid to do it, but that's because I never wanted to. I get paid to write elsewhere, and it sucks because they have a shit ton of stupid rules and even worse decisions than I could make (yeah it's possible, like Trump voters), so I never wanted to get paid for my blogs. But it's a lot of work for free.
You have to write the posts. Come up with a stupid picture because you people can't fucking be interested in a gotdammed thing without a motherfucking picture of something that gives you feelings. Make sure the key word is used in the title, the paragraphs, the headings... Create headings and subheadings because most of you are skimming through. Use links to reputable sites who uses the same keywords. Check your grammar because God forbid I put a fucking there instead of they're, like the wrong use of an apostrophe can totally discredit you forever on every topic imaginable. Then I have to share it on social media, keeping track of a facebook profile, page, twitter, pinterest and linked in to make sure you people don't miss a post because if I don't post every miserable day, I'm not worthy of the algorithm gods.
Then I have to do branding, marketing, list building, email newsletters, and other shit. And you can't have a blog without selling something, so I have to come up with something to sell that's in a niche, oh I forgot to have a niche. Is dumbfuckery a niche?
I do all this work for what? So you guys can read, love it, and not say a fucking word to me about how you love it. The only people who want to tell me about it online, as a comment or a like, are people arguing, in a blog hop and forced to, or selling me spam. The rest of you come at me offline with how amazing of a writer I am.
But the worst part of blogging... I love people. I really do in a Jesus Christ save humanity sort of way. But I hate dealing with a basic bitch, and guess what my networking as a mom blogger would entail me to keep in GOOD contact with on the regular? These are women who will judge you over the stupidest thing like their hoemones (misspelling intentional) and ostracize you, ridicule you publicly, gossip behind your back in PM's and groups, turn 75 bloggers against you threatening to do the same to them if they don't agree, all because you feel like pumpkin spice is a shitty scent. I mean, I love feminism, but a lot of bitches are petty. Like they make men who ask you for pics of your boobs seem like a much more comfortable place to talk about life.
So I'm done blogging for now. Maybe I'll get back into it later. I'm trying to do my blogging blog, but I'm struggling with that too.
Well I am revamping my site as a writer and graphic artist if you want to see that.
My portfolio on has just been updated.
Or you can view an archive of really shitty writing from Crumpets and Bollocks
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